Agreements for international cooperation aimed at formalizing a partnership with one or more higher education institutions / international organizations and can take many forms. Among them, the general agreement that establishes the basic terms of a comprehensive cooperation, based on the exchange of cultural and scientific knowledge. Specific activities to be developed following the general agreement should be formalized in terms additives. Specific agreements can still be award, regardless of the existence of a general agreement, especially in the following cases:
- mobility of teachers and students in a specific area;
- support for joint research in specific areas.
Whether it is more general agreements, whether it be specific agreements, the following criteria must be respected:
- Mutual interest in the partnership;
- existence of concrete projects to develop;
- interest for the training of students and teachers;
- To guarantee academic recognition;
- sustainability of the partnership (human and financial resources).
Cotutelle agreements - The agreement for cotutelle thesis is a modality that allows the student enrolled in a Doctorate Program to do his thesis under co-supervised responsibility : one from UERJ and other from a Doctorate of the foreign Institution that will establish the partnership.
Both professors exercise their competence jointly in relation to the doctoral student, who must remain in both laboratories for equivalent periods. The thesis is defended only once, at UERJ or at the foreign University.
The student will be awarded a doctoral degree from each institution.
Sample/template files for this modality.
For further information about international academic agreement, please do not hesitate do contact the International Cooperation Department: O endereço de e-mail address está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa ativar o JavaScript enabled para vê-lo.
Contato: Patrícia Viana