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European mobility program funded by the European Union (EU) that supports education, training, youth and sport.

Versions: earlier was Erasmus Mundus, and the current one is called Erasmus+

The proposals of ERASMUS+ agreements to join one of the programs come from European Institutions or Foreign International Institutions that wish to have UERJ as a partner, and offers mobility grants and travel assistance for undergraduate and graduate students, staff for teaching and administrative staff.
Erasmus + Key Action 1 – Mobility of higher
education students and staff
Greece Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Erasmus+ KA107 - projeto 2021-2027 com IUAV, Venezia Italy Università IUAV di Venezia
Erasmus+ 1 Ação Chave (2021-2027) Cyprus University of Nicosia
Erasmus+ Key Action 1
Learning mobility for higher education students and staff
Italy Università Degli Studi di Padova
Erasmus+ Key Action 1
Learning mobility for higher education students and staff
Croatia Univ. North
Erasmus+ Key Action 131 e 171 - Learning mobility for higher education students and staff Portugal Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
Erasmus+ Key Action 1
Learning mobility for higher education students and staff
Romania Stefan cel Mare Universidade de Suceava
Erasmus+ Key Action 1
Learning mobility for higher education students and staff
Italy Universidade "G. d'Annuzio" Chieti-Pescara
Erasmus + Key Action 1 – Mobility of higher
education students and staff
Romania George Enescu National, University of Arts from Iasi
Erasmus + Key Action 1 – Mobility of higher
education students and staff
Portugal Instituto politécnico de Tomar
Erasmus + Key Action 1 – Mobility of higher
education students and staff
Spain Univ. Pablo de Olavide
Erasmus+ KA171 - Learning mobility for higher education students and staff Romania University of Oradea
Erasmus + Key Action 1 – Mobility of higher
education students and staff
Spain Univ. Pablo Olavide
Erasmus+ KA171 Italy University of Rome Tor Vergata
Erasmus + Key Action 1
Learning mobility for higher education students and staff
Italy Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”
Erasmus + Key Action 1
Learning mobility for higher education students and staff
Romania University of Oradea
Erasmus + Key Action 1 – Mobility of higher
education students and staff
Macedonia PVPU Euro College Kumanovo, Republic of North Macedonia
Erasmus + Key Action 1 – Mobility of higher
education students and staff
Poland Pomeranian University in Slupsk